Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My Home Was Under Attack!
I first would like to thank everyone for all the Christmas cards and e-cards. My mommy has been so busy with stupid statistics homework that she has not had a chance to get to your blogs yet, but I had a blast smelling each and every one of the cards as mommy handed them to me so that I could become more familiar with all of your doggy smells. So, thank you everyone for making my first Christmas one that I will never forget!
Now, on to more current things:
While I was helping mommy with her homework about a week ago, I saw these things outside…they were smaller than me and there were hundreds of them! They would run and stop run and stop. Whatever they were, they were all different colors and shapes; and they kept playing running and stopping running and stopping. I had to alert my mommy…maybe we were under attack and my oh so special human was not aware that we were at war in our own yard! So I started whining and jumping around in her lap and pawing at the window and growling. After all, someone had to show these intruders who was boss and I was just the Chihuahua to do that! Mommy put my leash on me and we went outside to defend my battlefield!
Of course as soon as I got outside all of the intruders stood perfectly still but I still mumbled and grumbled to make sure that they understood that I was in charge. Then all of a sudden they all started running around again! And this time I could hear them making noise. It was a scraping sound unlike on I had ever heard before. But what were they saying? I couldn’t understand so I looked at my leash keeper (AKA Mommy) and grunted hoping that she would be able to translate but my oh so special human was useless..all she would say is “what is that Coco”.
What were these things that came by the hundreds and moved about so unpredictably with no legs and spoke a language I have never heard before… and why was my entire home under attack!?
Then it happened. It was taken to another level…I was actually assaulted by one of these…these…THESE THINGS! It was one of the big ones; it must have been the leader. It was almost as big as me and it attached itself to my sweater! I jumped, then froze in place and tried to bite it off but it must have done this before because it attached itself to a part of my sweater that I could not reach! I became powerless. My little princess feet glued to the ground. We were at war and I was losing!
I looked at my leash keeper (AKA Mommy) for help and too much of my surprise she was laughing! Can you believe that? I was being attacked and all she could do was laugh at me! So I growled “DARN YOU HUMAN! GET THIS THING OFF OF ME!”
Finally, the leash keeper obeyed me and pried that thing from my sweater and handed it to me. I bit that thing and thrashed at it fell apart into many tiny little pieces. The leash keeper just kept laughing and told me that I was fine. How could she say that? I was attacked and SHE is telling me that I am fine! Mommy decided that I had enough fun at war defending my home so she took me inside where we went back to the computer to do more homework.
I stayed watch on the back of my mommy’s chair growling at those things outside that mommy is now calling leaves. I don’t care what she calls them; this is war! And I will continue to sit at the window and warn those leaves when they come too close to my home that this castle already has a princess and they will not be taking over anytime soon.
My fellow bloggers: Warn your humans about these things called leaves. When you find them while out on your walkies, stomp on them! (The crunchy ones are my favorite!)
Standing Guard,
Coco - The Princess Warrier
Monday, December 22, 2008
Mondays & a Hoodie
Even though Mr. Heater keeps me warm, mom still worries about me staying warm during the 3 hours that i am left alone while mommy & daddy work so mommy contacted my personal designer Sherri and asked Sherri to make me a sweater with a hood on it. Mommy referrs to it as a "hoodie". Now, i know what your thinking... a hood to keep my ears warm sounds like a great idea; right? Yea, well thats what i thought too. take a look at my photo shoot and let me know if you still think i look cute with my fat little head stuffed into a hoodie
Monday, December 15, 2008

It's a romantic full moon, when Pedro said, "Hey, mamacita, let's do Weeweechu."
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Support The Texas Sun Dogs!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
M.I.A. (mommy will post new photos later)
Not much has happened lately. Mom keeps trying to teach me stupid tricks like sit and stay. I don’t know what is so important about these ones when I already know:
“Touch” – the human puts out their hand and I touch it with either of my paws kind of like a hand shake
“Bed” – I get into my bed in the living room and stand there (waiting for my next treat)
“Chair” – there is a small pillowed chair in the bedroom that I have claimed as mine and when you tell me chair, I get onto my chair
Mommy really wants me to learn how to walk outside on a leash. She doesn’t understand why I will do it inside the house and at the pet store, but not outside. Duh mom, I have delicate little paws and the cement doesn’t feel good. The only benefit to when mom makes me walk on cement is that afterwards, I get paw massages with lanolin to keep the pads of my feet super soft. Yea, I’m spoiled like that. And you all thought that you had your humans trained, wait till you meet mine! She will treat any furry or feathered friend into a prince or princess! Mom is such a sucker for animals, she can’t walk past one without saying hello which I am TOTALLY ok with because that is how I get to meet tons of really cool dogs when we go out.
As the weather has gotten colder, mommy now leaves sweaters on me the whole day while she is at work. Whereas before, she only needed to put a sweater on me at night, but it is cold all the time now…even when the sky’s are blue. It’s really confusing.
Since daddy holiday hours at his work have increased and he starts work at 5am now, when he leaves for work, mommy brings me into the big bed and I sleep under the covers with her until she absolutely has to get up from work. I have lots of fuzzy warm blankets in my bed, but cuddling with mom under her blankets is always best!
My sweet little Ruby has given me some awards!
"you lift my Spirit award"

"A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award"
"Lemonade Award". This award is passed to bloggers for showing great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
And of course i have to pass these on to:
The Texas Sun Dogs Sunny & Scooter
The FourMusketeers Cody, Joyce, Zena & Lady