Grandma is doing MUCH better now and is back to her perky normal self. In face, Grandma has officially adopted Abbie's mommy Princess!

Me and my sisters LOVE going to Grandma's house and playing with Princess & Abbie...but abter a couple of hours...we get pooped out and then we crash on the sofa for a little while to recharge our doggy batteries...

While at Grandma's Godiva discovered something Grandma call's "Treat Ball". Well, to say the least, Godiva went absolutely WILD about this Treat Ball so Grandma gave it to her.

Truffle; the wild child who couldn't sit still for more than a few seconds had decided that she is a lap dog and is supposed to be sleeping in mommy's bed with mommy and me!!!

Now, I bet you are sitting in your favorite computer spot looking at this photo of Truffle saying "Aww, that is so cute. But, test assure you are only saying this becasue you haven't seen how she sleeps! Its scarry and I have the proof! Watch this Video and then tell me what you think:
Aside from Truffle's usual silly self, she has decided to take up a new hobby...Pole Dancing!

Now, hows that for a doggy trick!?
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess