Hi Friends!
Fur starters, it was hotter than fish grease! so Truffle and I helped mommy with her Popsicle to make sure she didn't miss any of it

It was so good, i couldn't stop licking my lips!

i spent Saturday at Grandma's house playing with my cousin Abbie who got into my Auntie Gizelle's face pant while Auntie Gizelle was getting ready for a BBQ @ the local park

It looks like she has lipistick on! We BOL'd SO hard when we saw her face! Mommy said she looked like a cild that got into her mommy's lipistick!
Now, why on earth Abbie thinks that everything that is not foodables is edible is beyond us...Grandma thinks she has pika
is an eating disorder typically defined as the persistent ingestion of nonnutritive substances whcich in Abbie's case means she likes to eat dirt, wood plastic, Grandma's plastic medical insurance card, paper and other inedible things...but oh well...She's what Grandma calls "Wild Woman" but mommy calls her "Moose Lips"
Then it was time for lots and lots of Chocolate Chihuahua Fun...in a place that we KNOW we are not allowed to have fun...(i'll explain later)

Notice the hesitation on Truffle's face because she knows Godiva & I are doing a naughty thing (playing on mommy's bed).

we love how Godiva's mouth looks like a hippo's mouth in this photo! BOL!

Then Truffle got into the fun! She just couldn't stand it anymore :)

Then Mr. Squirrel got in on the bitey-face and mommy decided that was enough because we got a little wild and when we get too wild playing sometimes one of us goes weebles (this is why we are not allowed to play on mommy's bed)

Then we heard the magic word... "Girls."

and we knew it was time to settle down. because we had been caught red-pawed playing on mommy's bed

We sure were poobled out by the end of our 4 day weekend with mommy! (keep this photo of Truffle a secrete: she is VERY self conscious about her bald underside!

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses, Coco The Princess