If you answered yes to any of the above questions, than guess what...You are a Diva!
So there you have it...thats what a Diva is and boys can be Diva's too...all you need is a picture of you giving your best Diva (give me what i want cause I'm cute) face or pose. show us what your pampered life looks like! (Judge Snuggle Puggle is DEFINITELY pampered)

I understand that some of you have other obligations on Friday but still want to play my game. Eduardo and i want to make sure that every fur-kid that wants to play has the opportunity to do so, so we have decided to leave the poll open all weekend! That means that you all have until Monday morning to leave me a comment letting me know that you are participating! Does that make things better for you all?
W ill you be next weeks winner? Cant wait to see all your Divaness tomorrow when you play Godiva's Go Diva Fridays!! (even you boys!). Make sure to leave me a comment telling me that you are playing so that Judge Snuggle Puggle & I know to stop by your page!
Love Always...Everyones Favorite Chocolate,
Lady godiva