Yep, you read correct, Truffle has been quarantined by our mommy!!!

And we mean quarantined
BIG way!!!

Lately, Mommy has been working REALLY hard to socialize Truffle. She is such a bundle of nerves we have been taking her to the doggy park near our home when we cant go to the really nice one because the nice one is almost 20 miles from home.
Anyway, Last night around 3:30pm, Truffle started coughing this REALLY nasty dry cough, and she started hacking and trying to throw up from coughing so hard. So, mommy took her temperature and it was only 101.8 but this morning, Truffle's temperature was 104.2 and you could feel and hear a rattle in her chest when she off to the vet we went only to find out that Truffle has Kennel Cough.
The vet gave Truffle two emergency injections to reduce the swelling so she can breath easier and without struggling, and the second injection of super strong antibiotics.

Mommy is keeping a humidifier next to the doggy play pen and that seems to be helping Truffle a little. So, Truffle is in the doggy play pen (A.K.A. Doggy Jail), on two different antibiotics, drinking PediaLite, and on a bland diet of chicken & rice.

In the mean time, mommy has been going OCD crazy washing everything in the washing machine with 3/4 cup of bleach in each load.
The vet said that if the coughing doesn't stop within 2 days that she has to go back to chest x-rays because he said that it could possibly turn into Pneumonia...SCARY!!!
Please keep your dewclaws crossed and keep us in your prayers that our sister Truffle gets better soon...Mommy wont let us help her be nurses to Truffle so we sleep outside the bedroom door tonight in the living room just in case mommy needs our help. But you can tell by the looks on our faces that we are not happy that we cant cuddle with Truffle while she is sick :(
Playing Nurse from a distance,Coco The Princess & Lady GodivaNote from the Mommy:Coco The Princess received a response from her Prince Dobby. While Coco is incredibly excited to share the good news with you all, as well as a couple of awards that we have received, the good news and awards will have to wait another day or so because taking care of Truffle's health and making sure that Coco and Godiva don't catch this horrible bug that Truffle has is my top priority right now. Please bare with me for a day or so. The Girls and i really miss you all so much. I wish i could update more right now, but i am going to go hold Truffle so she can feel safe asleep in my arms tonight.