OMD i had such an amazing time with Dobby! My sisters and mommy helped me pick out a special Valentines dress at the store and they helped me get ready.

Mommy said that since the dress already had a matching pink pearl necklace that i didn't need to accessorize with any diamonds. I thought that since I'm a big girl now and i wanted to wear some makeup but mommy said that i had natural beauty and that if i wanted to wear makeup, that the only thing i would be needing is some of her favorite strawberry lip gloss because it gives lips a nice shinny kissable gloss and it makes them super soft too. So, mommy put some lip gloss on me and it did all those things, but what mommy didn't tell me is that it tasted like strawberry's too!

Ok, so how do i look now with my big girl lip gloss?

It was getting close to my Date time, so i made sure that i kept one ear super alert so that i could hear for Prince Dobby's scratch at my front door:

Although i had to admit that i was a little nervous because i had a really important question that i wanted to ask Prince Dobby while we were out on our date. I kept checking my dress to make sure it was fitting perfect and i kept checking my lipstick...Here is a picture of me being nervous while my nail pawlish dried:

Mommy told me that it would be a good idea for me to wait in the living room in one of my super comfy pink princess beds while i wait for Dobby.

At this point, i was REALLY nervous because all i cold think about was my important question for Dobby and the anticipation of what he would say. Then it happened...I hear the scratch at my front door..."Oh my gosh Dobby is here. Mommy, Do i look ok? is he going to think i look pretty?"

Dobby looked so sexy in his little bow-tie. He was such a gentleman! he picked me up in a horse and chariot like the one from Cindarella and we went on a tour of a beautiful mansion in Belmont called "Ralston Hall". Ralston Hall was filled with real crystal chandelier's, a beautiful ball room with floor to ceiling mirrors that were imported from Italy by boat back in the 1800's, sterling silver door hinges, and a full Orchestra that Dobby had hired. In the back corner, there was a beautifully decorated table where we sat and had dinner and desert brought to us by a chef from france. We talked, laughed, and danced the night away.
Shortly before sunrise, We went on a tour of the grounds. We had heard that there are a few families of deer that live on the grounds and if we went out in the early morning we would be able to see them. So, we took a chariot ride around the grounds and guess what we saw...A FAMILY OF DEER!

After our tour of the grounds, Dobby took me home. Let me tell you...I was beyond tuckered out!

As for the question that i wanted to ask Dobby while i was out on our date...i totally chickened out! And i know that i said i was going to post it on my page, but i just can' went out and picked out a card, and i wrote Dobby a special note in it....and in that note, is the special question...Hopefully, he will post the response i am hoping for on his bloggy.
Until then, I'll be resting with my dew claws crossed.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,Coco The Princess
Oh you looked so pretty in that special dress of your's! Prince Dobby's eyes must not have left yours all night, so romantic (sigh)! But I'm just dying to know what question you asked him.!
By the way, I spoke to my brother about your sisters, tell them to keep an eye out for a post from him!
Chi kisses, Lilibell
You looked like a true princess in that pink dress!
Wags and Licks,
MOllie Jo & Bobo
Loved your Valentines saga...what a fun lead up to your fantastic, fabulous date. I bet your sissys were a little jealous.
Draco. assistant thought she was "following" you but she missed all of the story till today. I made sure she clicked the follow thing so I will not miss anymore exciting stuff like this.
Coco, Dobby told me you looked beautiful, but you are even prettier than I imagined in your pink dress! I'm glad you had such a good time. Dobby just can't stop talking about what fun he had at Ralston Hall with you and all the great food and dancing. Hopefully you two can go on another date soon, without waiting for next Valentine's Day!
<3 Sharon
So sweet. You looked wonderful for your date. I hope you get a good answer to your important question :)
What a pretty dress Princess Coco! Sounded like a great date too.
Hope that your sisters had a nice Valentines day too.
Hugs, Tessa
You look gorgeous with that dress!
I am sure you two had a pawesome time together!
Kisses and hugs
i was giggling the whole time i read this. :)
- the Secretary
oh my dog
you are too cute for words
i bet he was swooning the whole time looking at you look like a true princess
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
my dogness, you are so pretty Coco! Wish you had been my Valentines day date! Though I am much bigger than you, I am a perfect gentleman!
sorry I have not commented much, life has been kinda busy around here, but it doesn't mean we have forgotten you1 ;0D
Hi Coco,
That is a very purdy dress and you look pawtastic wearing it! No doubt Dobby thought so too. I bet he said yes to your question.
Hey girls, do stop by our blog, we have an award for you!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
w00fs, u look bute to ful, Coco...and Dobby looked handsum too...I bet u were the bestest couple there...
b safe,
pps of course he will say yes....
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