This has got to be the most fun book review I have ever done! The title of the book says it all and I promise you won’t be disappointed if you go out and get this book. My sisters and I cuddled with mommy as we looked at each photo and read each caption.
Awkward Family Pet Photos is the perfect size for any coffee table as it doesn’t take up too much or too little room! Measuring in at a whopping 7”x8.5”; this half inch thick book is filled with oober cuteness and laughter page after page that you could never get sick of looking at!
Here are a few of our favorites just to give you an idea of what kind of cuteness is in here:
“Bennie, we are sure, grows thumbs when we leave him. He has separation anxiety and he hates being left alone so he managed to push open a window on the second floor and scale up to the peak of the third floor. He was looking for his “people!”
Cookie Monster
Embrace Me 2

It really is way too hard to just pick a few but I'm sure you get the point!
Ok, so now for the contest…My sisters and I have teamed up with new friend at the Crown Publishing Group, Inc. in New York and we would like to send a brand new copy of this book directly to you directly from the Publishers to the furkid or human who sends us the best Awkward Family Pet Photo of them and their family!
We love our humans and we know that they love us unconditionally, but let’s be honest… sometimes they take pretty silly photos of us. So why not surprise them with a beautiful coffee table book full of funny photos of other humans and their furkids!?
Here are the rules:
1. PeeMail me your Awkward family Pet Photo no later than November 15th, 2011 (we want to make sure you have enough time to wrap it for your human)2. 2. The Awkward Family Pet Photo must be of you (or those of your litter) and your Human or human relative.
3. 3. Photos of furkids other than yourself will not be entered into the contest as I have no way of authenticating if they are REALLY your relatives
And just to be a good sport about awkward family photos, I would like to post one of my mommy and my cousin Abbie which looks like a totally cute photo until you hear the story behind it… Abbie LOVES giving kisses and mommy is always more than happy to oblige. After taking this photo, Grandma told mommy that just before she arrived, Abbie found a dead and fairly squished squirrel under a parked car and carried it through her entire 1.25 mile walk because Grandma couldn’t get it out of Abbies mouth! Yea, the awkward moment when you find out that you just kissed a dog on the lips that had been carrying a dead squirrel for 1.25 miles! GROSS!
Can’t wait to see your Awkward Family Photos!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco Bean The Princess
P.S. PLEEEAAAAAAASE don't tell my mommy i told you about the dead squirrel!!
That is one funny story. Hehehe. You just never know where those lips have been.
I totally posted on my blog for sure! That book looks awesome.
Ewwwwww, that's gross about Abby and the dead squirrel and then your Mom kissing's like she was kissing the dead squirrel too, BOL!!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
OOOOOOOO! This looks like fun. I am not sure I have ANY awkward pictures - only uber cute ones - but I will try and look objectively. I sure do wanna get that book for my Mommy #1!
Thanks for having such a fun contest.
Love Noodles
PS - I CANNOT believe that dog CLIMBED like a CAT up three stories!!!!
The photos were fantastic! We especially like the husky wif da cookie! And I love the kiss on mommy! Nothing like dead squirrel, especially to make da lips soft!! Woofs to woo!!
Oooooo Yuk!! Squirrel breath is only really attractive to us canines. Bethcha your mama used a whole bottle of Listerine after tHaT kiss. hehe. We need to look around now for any (in)appropriate family photos!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & HOotie
we must post about this immediately lest anyone misses this great and funfilled contest. we're off to find a most awkward photo moment .
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Hey Coco!
Wow, what a fun contest! I'll be sure to add this to the Blogville Community Calendar and I have the perfect pix to send! Thanks for hosting this. BOL about the squirrel smooch!!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Hi It's Mona & Weenie, the rescued dachshunds. We just heard about your contest from Queen Coco Chanel and came on over. We'll try to find a pictures but our Mommy is kinda camera shy but she sure does take a bunch of pictures of us.
Can we be friends??
Sniff ya later......Weenie
Hey Coco!
Wow, I think I need your email addy and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Help?!?!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I don't know about squirrel breath kisses, but Grammy has a fit when we have squirrel farts! She says she can ALWAYS tell when we've gotten a squirrel or a rabbit out in the yard! :)
It was nice to hear from you, Miss Coco! We'll try to talk Grammy into letting us post. We don't get to do that very often anymore... :( The Country Corgi Crew
We got sent a copy of that book to review too last week! Murray certainly enjoyed the funny photos!
Best of luck with the competition!
take care
Clive and Murray
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