Hi there! Its me Coco The Princess! I'm taking over my blog today so that i can fill you all in on whats been happening and whats new!
First things first...My little sister Lady Godiva has been asked by
Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle to be a judge for his contest! Eduardo is hosting the coolest contest ever! It is called "
The Funnest War Ever" and holly DOG is it going to be fun! He is accepting applicants for the following categories:
Here is the line up for the funnest war EVER:
- Most Meditative Pose Competition,
- Most Dufus Look Competition,
- Most Diva Action Competition
- Best Paw Position Competition
My little sister Lady Godiva will be hosing the Most Diva Action Competition! This is going to be SO much FUN!
Here is a photo of Godiva that was taken this weekend. This is her usual "mommy rub my belly pose" and EVERYONE falls for it!

Then once you start rubbing her belly...She plays bitey hand!

On Saturday my auntie Gizelle's little sister had a graduation party for graduating high school with honors (Auntie Gizelle's party is this Friday) Since my little sisters had not been exposed to other dogs before, or large crowds because they had not had all their puppy shots yet they were a little wierded out by my good friends
Jazmine and Juicy Princess.
Here is a picture of Godiva and Truffle practically begging for my mommy to pick them up and put them on Auntie's bed with her:

After a while the puppy's settled down and they all got along just fine.

Truffle was a TOTAL scardey-cat!
I of course didn't mind all the attention...but when it got late and i got tired, i found a nice comfy place to snuggle up in my Auntie Gizelle's closet

On my last post i was asked to see a photo of the "Giant Small Parrot" named Poquito so here is are a couple of pictures of her:

That is my mommy's hand in the last picture. Poquito is a big bird and she only lets my mommy touch her. if anyone else gets near her or her cage she screams REALLY loud and tries to attack! My mommy is Poquito's 13th owner. every owner before my mommy was really mean to her. She is missing the tip of one of her toes because some mean owner person was so mean to Poquito they hurt her. but for some reason when my mommy walked into the room where Poquito was loving (at her foster home) she flew to my mommy's shoulder said "Poquito" in a loud voice and started playing with my mommy's hair! Before that day, Poquito had never been nice to anyone and had never let anyone touch her...until she met my mommy that is!
This is a picture of Poquito and Hamlet our other parrot

Hamlet is a very beautiful little bird who my mommy also rescued. Mommy says that he has a "bad birdy attitude" because he only lets you hold him when HE wants to be held and he only likes head scratches. You know when you are allowed to take him out of his cage because he says "goochie-goochie-goo" and then he fluffs out his head feathers and puts his head down. Oh yea, and he LOVES taking showers!
Here is a recent picture of me and my sisters...

As you have noticed...the puppy's have gotten much bigger in the month that we have had them. Can any of you guess how much they weigh? Ill give you a size comparison...i weigh exactly 4 pounds...
Godiva still looks like a hippo but is starting to look more like a Chihuahua. right now she is in a really awkward phase and looks like she's part Chihuahua and part Hippo...here is a better picture so you can see what I'm talking about

And as for Truffle...well, she has a new nickname..."destruct-o-dog"

Yea she's cute...but she has this horrible habit of digging up and shredding her wee-wee pad after she uses it and then dances in her poobles! So when mommy & daddy get home from work there is weeble soaked cotton all over the kitchen and poobles smeared across the floor! How gross is that! i cant stand being dirty and she dances through it! Totally not Chihuahua like!
As for me, I still spend plenty of time being mommy's princess while sitting on her lap

Thats all for now friends! I promise to stop by all of your blogs soon!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess