1) The winner may put the logo on their blog
2) Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3) Nominate 10 blogs
4) Leave a message for your nominees for: Top Ten Blogs That Make Me Smile
Honestly, it would be impossible to choose just 10 blogs that make me smile so I am going to have to share this award to all my friends that are on my friends list. So please friends, if you don't already have this award please take this award and post it proudly on your blog because you all make my heart smile.
My next award:
My sisters and I have been nominated by the the TN Bull Terrors (AKA Kids In Dog Suits) to post the OWAS button. Here is the story behind this button:
According to Darla Jean: "We have GOT to rid our yards & our trees & our neighborhoods of these rotten little tree rats! They are wreaking havoc all over doggie bloggie land! First we found, they will do anything to get to the bird feeders in your yard! We mean anything."

Now, i dont know much about squirrels since my sisters and I don't go outside unless it is for a ride inthe car, but my mommy used to have a pet squirrel named "mookoosh" (It is spelled wrong but means squirrel in Hungarian). So I don't know how bad they are, but I definitely know of some doggies on here that HATE squirres...So, Big Pupi & Stanislaw, I wold like to pass this OWAS button on to you to aide you in your quest to hunt tree-lobsters!
Now, you will have to excuse me while i tend to my two little sisters that got another set of shots today and aren't feeling well. I promise to catch up with your blogs later tonight and tomorrow.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Oh Coco, you were confused little ones (no wonder with those wonderful treats, those are our favorites!!) Anyway, go back over to our blog & get the Sugar Award, the sweetest blog one that is at the top of our post. We think you guys are sweet! :)
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Wow, that was sure nice of Tibby to send such nice gifts, and of you to let your sisters get into the treats first.
I gather a parrot is a bird? I wonder why Mom calls me a parrot then, when I sit on her shoulder... I'm not a bird... I CHASE birds!
We will definitely grab the Whack-A-Squirrel award. We LOVE to "Whack squirrels" whenever we can. You should try them! They taste great! At least when we (usually Auntie Sadie) catch one and get a chance to munch on it before Mom finds it and takes it away...
I'll have to run over to the TN Bull Terrors and see if they've caught any so that I can give them my Hunting Award.
Hope things are settling down around your place as we have missed you blogs. Dott
OMDog! Your sisters are getting so big!
Big licks to you
Congrats on your new awards Coco! You are so kind to pass them along to everyone.
Hi Coco!
I am so happy that you liked the prizes I sent! That video was soo cute! It looks like your sisters really enjoyed those treats! My Owner Girl actually made the little card, she is very glad that you all like it! Congrats on your awards too!
Hi Coco,
Congrats on the award. And those are terrific pressies. I hope you are able to post again soon. Your sisters are growing so fast!
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Coco! Your sisters sure were excited about those treats- and Suzuki is right, they are getting big!
<3 S and D
Wow! Your sisters are excitable feasters of the first order! My kinda ladies!
Thanks for the award!! We LOVE to hunt for tree lobsters. I wish they made tree lobster treats for me to feast on. I'd share them with you and your sisters. I'm certain they would be the tastiest things EVER!!
Congratulations Coco on your award. You and your sisters are sooooo cute. One of these days we have to get together and play.
Enjoy your pressies.
I would love to see a picture of that giant small parrot! Congratulations on winning the butterfly counting contest and getting such a great prize. No Grainers - what a clever name!
Those stuffies look awesome!
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