Hi there every fur-kid! Sorry I've been missing in action...my Princess of a sister Coco has not only been hogging her toys from Her Prince Dobby but she has totally been blog hogging too!
Not sure if Princess Coco told you or not, but my eyes have now fully developed and are fully functional. This means that i can play fetch and chase things and i dont run into furniture or walls anymore either! It's WAY cool!My litter mate/sister Truffle is now bigger than Coco is and i am still only 3 pounds. Its ok though cause mommy and daddy like me small. As you can see from my pictures i am starting to look more and more like a Chihuahua with a narrow muzzle but mommy and daddy still call me hippo. Not sure what hippo means, but they think I'm cute so its all good!

Its back to normal around my home as far as blogging goes...I hope it stays this way! And that means that It's time for GO DIVA FRIDAY!

This is my "Mommy please pick me up cause I'm a cute puppy" face

This is my sister Truffle's "
You want me to do what!? How about we forget the tricks and you just give me cookies!" Diva pose. (She is such a wort-hog! but don't tell her i told you that)

This is Princess Coco's "I
'm your favorite because I'm pitcher perfect " diva pose

Notice that Truffle and i are in the back taking notes. We try to be like Coco but those are some big paw prints to fill. I have no idea how she got so good at being a princess!
If you would like to participate, please leave me a message letting me know that you have posted your Diva picture on your blog and Your Honorable Judge Snuggle Puggle and I will make sure to include you in the entries. Remember that the winner will get featured on next Fridays Posting! If you want to include a caption, please feel free to let me know on the blog posting with the picture. I will be accepting entries until Tuesday.

On another note, Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle has asked me to be a judge on his "Funnest War Ever" competition. He has asked me to judge the Most Diva Action Competition! When submitting your photos to Eduardo please be sure to tell him which competition you are entering and also feel free to include a caption of your photo with it!
I cant wait to see the inner DIVA in you!
Love Always,
Lady Godiva
The last photo there is very diva-tastic. What is the boy word for diva? Divo?
You are looking every bit the diva for sure!
You are all such bundles of cutesness!
Hi Girls,
Long time no see! You and Truffle have become a couple of adorable divas. But how could you not when big sister Coco has been such a perfect teacher.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi, Lady Godiva!
I am so happy to know your vision is fully developed!
Kisses and hugs to you all!
Hi Coco & her Sisters,
I agree, you are all Divas!
I am very happy that Godiva has her sight, that is wonderful, yeah!!!!
Wiggles, Tessa
You guys are just so cute, and you are growing up so fast!
I had posted a Diva Contest post a while back, but then I didn't see you blogging for quite a while, after that, so I don't know if you saw it or not. Here is that post address: http://countrycorgis.blogspot.com/2009/05/dotts-godiva-diva-contest-entry-for.html
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