Sunday, December 18, 2011
What makes me the happiest this holiday season is that i can sincerely say that you all are wonderful friends. Thank you for finding it in your hearts to help the HPP Family.
Please keep in mind that the donation box on the top right side of my bloggy will remain open until February 15th so continue to help me spread the word!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Heartbreak in Houston
My heart stopped and my stomach sank. we have all followed precious Shelby's story from the painful beginning. We prayed for her and cheered her on as she beat the odds that were set against her and SURVIVED.
Tomorrow's Grand Finale of Mr. Pip's Couch Occupation will be dedicated to Guero, Coco Chanel, Tiger, Lucky, and Shelby. This is no longer about couches, but about supporting and standing with our friends.
Along side with Mr. Pip, tomorrow i will be hosting a comment-a-thon and for every comment left on tomorrow's post, I too (just like Mr. Pip) will donate .50 to the Houston Pittie Pack Family. So please, comment away!
if you would like to donate directly to The Houston Pitty-Pack fire recovery, you can do so directly via the ChipIn Widget located at the top right of my bloggy will send your donations directly to The Houston Pitty-Packs mommy to help with any immediate expenses she may incur. Remember that there is no such thing as a donation too small...every penny helps
I had turned the comments section off on this post yesterday as we took the day in silence and kept The Pitty-Pack family in our hearts and prayers as we will continue to do.
i have opened the comments section of this post so please comment away.
Coco The Princess, Lady Godiva, Truffle & The Mommy too
Thursday, December 15, 2011
We Got An Award and we have to share it with you!

~> OMD this is going to be WAY too tough to chose just five...
~> Done!
~> I'm still stuck on only being able to pick five...well see how this goes...I hold so many of you close to my heart i might have to share it with you all...
Ok, ok, ok... Here it goes...and here's what I'm going to do...I am going to pick my top five followers AND every furkid who visits my bloggy is welcome to help themselves to the badge as well. ( i wish i could give the badge back to Nola because she is definitely a loyal follower!)
Tessa the Maltese - Tessa and her mommy my family and i hold VERY close and dear to our hearts. Tessa's mommy once told us that she followed our bloggy before she even had Tessa and it was our bloggy that inspired her to start Tessa's blog when she first got Tessa!
Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie - Now, these two are new to my bloggy but they have definitely kept me entertained since meeting them when they entered our Awkward family photo contest. they look so alike my sisters and i cannot tell which one is Hootie and which is Rocket Dog but were sure that if we ever got a chance to meet them in person we could figure it out.
Lilibell & Chewy- did you know that Lilibell's mommy is a top notch doggy clothing designer!? she makes the most beautiful dresses! Lilibell has a super cute little hop-skip-jump-wiggle to her walk just like me (Coco Bean) and her brother Chewy looks exactly like my sister Truffle!
Lola & Tucker (live together but have separate bloggs) - These are two cool furkids! Lola is a Pug Tucker is a Chihuahua like me and my sisters! Lola & Tucker's mommy is also very talented and not only makes beautiful snow globes but also takes special requests!!
Stewey - this spunky Pembroke Welsh Corgi is always well dressed! major kudos for that!
Again, i have to share this with not only the furkids listed above, but with ALL my followers!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Operation "Occupy your Couch"

Here is a photo of me occupying my couch:
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Thursday, December 8, 2011
tried to help mommy wrap presents.....
I guess i cant be mad at her for it though...after all, i am the QUEEN of excuses as to why i need to look like a Princess and be decked out in my best outfits and jewelry/collars any time there is company or we go out.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Thursday, December 1, 2011
My First Trip to the Beach!
First, we walked...well, i didn't walk...mommy walked while i hitched a ride in her jacket.

When we got to another section of the beach, this is the beautiful sight we got to see...

after about 20 minutes, mommy saw something right when she took this photo...

by the time we got back to the car, i was super tired...(the photos are coming out upside down again so until i have a fix for this, you'll have to imagine Coco Bean fast asleep on my lap).
then we went to down town Half Moon Bay and had brunch at a fur-kid friendly cafe. by the time i got home i didn't want anything to do with my sisters because i was so tired! This is my "leave me alone or I'm going to yip at you!" face

I hope you enjoyed reading about my first trip to the beach and looking at my photos!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Coco Bean Nose: Eukanuba Chihuahua Formula
I was asked for my sisters and i to try out a new Chihuahua specific dog food by Eukanuba. Here's what happened...
At first my sisters and i were very interested in the bag that mommy brought inside (the nice people at Eukanuba were kind enough to send us two bags for the 28 day challenge)

Truffle and Godiva couldn't get enough of this food on the other hand. as you can see from this photo, they were totally begging for mommy to just hand over the bowl!

Because it is not good to just switch foods on us doggies, what mommy did was she measured out a 1/4 of a cup of this new Eukanuba Chihuahua food and took small hand fulls and tossed them on the floor so that Truffle, Godiva and I would go hunt for it...

it is a game that my sisters and i LOVE to play, but as you can see from the last picture...only 2/3 of that plan don't see my furry little butt hunting in that pic! and do you know why... yep, you guessed it. it's because i kept my furry little princess butt planted on the sofa!

My little wart-hog sisters on the other hand were begging for more! As you can see...there goes Godiva trying to stick her head back in the bag!

Mommy decided that a 1/4 of a cup between us was enough for introductions and she didn't want to upset our tummies so she put the bag away and fed us our normal dinner shortly after (which for the record, i gobbled up)
The next morning was the true know...when we do our morning poobles and weebles. This my friends was then the REAL testing of the food takes place...and here's the result:
Coco Bean Poobles: perfect (but i didnt eat any of the Eukanuba
Truffle Poobles: too moist and didnt have the firmness it should have had. didn't pick up easy
Lady Godiva Poobles: Better than Truffles but not as good as mine
Aditionally, Truffle and Godiva were prone to gasious eruptions all night! Truffle's butt even squeaked!
The packaging is esthetically pleasing and the size of the kibble is perfect for our tiny mouths. As for the smell; it isnt as offensive as some of the other dog food on the market.
Mommy really wanted to stick to the 28 day challenge with all three of us, but was only able to continue it with Godiva who desperately needs to lose weight.
Truffle and i are back on our special dog food. Godiva really seems to like the Eukanuba but her poop hasn't firmed up so mommy is thinking that we wont make it the full 28 days.
And that my fur-friends is a Coco Bean Nose Review on the new Eukanuba Chihuahua Formula Dog food.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Friday, November 18, 2011
A New Friend in Bloggy Land!
i wanted to introduce you to a new furkid here in bloggy land named Nola. Nola is a super cute Dachshund with LOTS of personality just like us that lives here in the United States.
Here are a couple photos of our new fur-friend Nola!

So head on over to Nola's Bloggy by clicking on either of these two photos or on her name to be re-directed to her bloggy!
Nibbles & Licks,
Truffle (AKA Truffie Monster)
Caught in the act!
Somehow, Truffie-Monster managed to jump up into the food container! i guess the temptation of the entire container was much more appealing than her bowl with measures scoop of food in it. This was just too cute of a scene for mommy to be upset at Truffie for doing what she KNOWS is a major no-no.
CONTEST UPDATE: Mommy has emailed the publisher your photo submissions but he is on vacation until the 28th of November. so i am going to be posting the photo submissions here on my next post (this weekend) so that you all can vote too!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wordless Wednesday

If you have not already heard, we are hosting a contest! Don't forget to check it our and submit a photo (or two). our peemail address can be found on our profile :)
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Friday, November 4, 2011
Had a serious talk with mom...

Anyway, i sure am glad i got to chat with you all and i hope that you are all going to send in a photo or two for the contest my sister is hosting! If you are not familiar with the contest i am referring to, please see the post below.

Frantic Nibbles & Licks,
Truffie Monster!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Coco Bean Nose: “Awkward Family Pet Photos” Book Review and CONTEST!
This has got to be the most fun book review I have ever done! The title of the book says it all and I promise you won’t be disappointed if you go out and get this book. My sisters and I cuddled with mommy as we looked at each photo and read each caption.
Awkward Family Pet Photos is the perfect size for any coffee table as it doesn’t take up too much or too little room! Measuring in at a whopping 7”x8.5”; this half inch thick book is filled with oober cuteness and laughter page after page that you could never get sick of looking at!
Here are a few of our favorites just to give you an idea of what kind of cuteness is in here:
“Bennie, we are sure, grows thumbs when we leave him. He has separation anxiety and he hates being left alone so he managed to push open a window on the second floor and scale up to the peak of the third floor. He was looking for his “people!”
Cookie Monster
Embrace Me 2

It really is way too hard to just pick a few but I'm sure you get the point!
Ok, so now for the contest…My sisters and I have teamed up with new friend at the Crown Publishing Group, Inc. in New York and we would like to send a brand new copy of this book directly to you directly from the Publishers to the furkid or human who sends us the best Awkward Family Pet Photo of them and their family!
We love our humans and we know that they love us unconditionally, but let’s be honest… sometimes they take pretty silly photos of us. So why not surprise them with a beautiful coffee table book full of funny photos of other humans and their furkids!?
Here are the rules:
1. PeeMail me your Awkward family Pet Photo no later than November 15th, 2011 (we want to make sure you have enough time to wrap it for your human)2. 2. The Awkward Family Pet Photo must be of you (or those of your litter) and your Human or human relative.
3. 3. Photos of furkids other than yourself will not be entered into the contest as I have no way of authenticating if they are REALLY your relatives
And just to be a good sport about awkward family photos, I would like to post one of my mommy and my cousin Abbie which looks like a totally cute photo until you hear the story behind it… Abbie LOVES giving kisses and mommy is always more than happy to oblige. After taking this photo, Grandma told mommy that just before she arrived, Abbie found a dead and fairly squished squirrel under a parked car and carried it through her entire 1.25 mile walk because Grandma couldn’t get it out of Abbies mouth! Yea, the awkward moment when you find out that you just kissed a dog on the lips that had been carrying a dead squirrel for 1.25 miles! GROSS!
Can’t wait to see your Awkward Family Photos!
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco Bean The Princess
P.S. PLEEEAAAAAAASE don't tell my mommy i told you about the dead squirrel!!