Friday, November 4, 2011

Had a serious talk with mom...

I was on my way with my mommy to Grandma's house to play with Cousin Abbie and Auntie Princess (AKA Prinnie-Bug)And i told mom that Truffle (AKA Truffie or Monster) and Lady Godiva (AKA Peanut or Meatball) REALLY needed to start making appearances on my bloggy! after all, they ARE my sisters and i DO share my house with them...right??? Mommy said "oh, ok Coco Bean, well see" and then i gave her my "i'm serious mommy" face.And as you are about to see, What Coco Bean wants, Coco Bean gets! Here are some super cute photos of Truffie who happened to be looking particularly cute (and well behaved)last night. So for today, I'm going to turn my bloggy over to Truffie!Hello furends! WOW ow WOW do i feel special that my big sister Coco Bean is sharing her bloggy with me for the day! I have lots I would love to tell you about but what i feel is most important is how mommy has managed to get me diagnosed with doggy ADHD. so now every evening mommy gives me what she calls "doggy Prozac" and it is super yummy and she gives it to me in this squirtey thing but i wish the squirtey thing would give me more cause it tastes so good that my sister Godiva tries to lick it as mommy is giving it to me!
Most importantly, ever since putting me on Doggy Prozac, i have not had a single potty accident and i manage to keep my butt over the pee-pad the ENTIRE time i am going potty which makes mommy VERY happy! I have even shown mommy that i know tricks like sit, stay (for about 5-10 seconds but then i bark), bed, doggy jail (crate), and my personal favorite command "go play" and that command means that me and my sister and Coco Bean get to bark and jump and run around like wild beasts for a few seconds! As you can see, i am even allowed up on the bed because i don't go potty up on mommy's bed anymore! the vet said that i wasn't stupid it was just that i couldn't focus (hmm, like mother like daughter?)Mommy is even looking to start taking me to doggy agility because she says that it will be good for my confidence and her waste line that she says needs to shrink. now, personally, i don't understand what my confidence and her waste line have to do with one another, but if it means more play /running time with mommy than I'm all for it! Mommy says that I'm going to be the best agility Chihuahua because i LOVE to run and i can jump higher than any Chihuahua that mommy has ever seen. Mommy knows this for sure because the top of her mattress is is 3.25 feet from the floor and i can jump on it without needing a running start OR touching the side of the bed with my nails. Not bad for a 7 1/2 pound chihuahua huh!? Mommy has found agility places, but these people want to train and work with me for mommy and that's not what mommy wants, mommy wants to train WITH me which i think is totally cool!

Anyway, i sure am glad i got to chat with you all and i hope that you are all going to send in a photo or two for the contest my sister is hosting! If you are not familiar with the contest i am referring to, please see the post below.

Frantic Nibbles & Licks,

Truffie Monster!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Truffie, we are so glad that you are no longer doing peepee in the house! Never heard ,of poochieADHD.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & HOotie

Anonymous said...

Hey Truffle, what ever works and makes you more a part of the family!

woos, Tessa

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Truffie! You sure are cute. How nice of your sister to let you have a whole post to yourself!! I am really happy you are doing well and are allowed on the bed! :)
P.S. If I can get a blog post up soon, I will post about your contest!
P.P.S. I know the bestest doggie dress maker, if you are still interested. We have met her personally, and she is wonderful and accommodating and makes beautiful dresses. Check out her blog:

Stewey said...

Nice to see you Truffle!

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

We love you Truffle, epecially the Mom, she thinks you're a girlie Chewy, BOL!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

Tucker and Lola said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yes, I am a naked chihuahua, no hair at all on my chest or stomach and very little on my head. My Mom looked a long time to find a naked Chi before she finally found me. I weigh 4 1/2 pounds. Glad you got your ADHD diagnosed and are able to show your Mommy how smart you are now!