It was happening right before our eyes...Our was changing...things were being put in boxes...Mom sold our sofa...and then the unthinkable happened...our beloved toys...they disappeared. At first it was only one here and one there bu then it started to happen more frequently and it was large numbers of our toys that were disappearing more frequently. And one day...all of a sudden it happened...we woke up one morning and they were gone...Each and every one...G O N E !And that was when we called on you, Our fellow Fur-Kids; to come together and help me start a movement. A movement against something we ALL feel so strongly about...and with that i bring you:
Here are those who stood beside Me and my Mafia! Writing Posts and signing petitions! Showing our pawrents that WE are in charge of OUR stuffies and that they have NO right to take them from us...not under ANY condition!
“MONSTER” The Chi Shark - 
Watch out if this one’s been sent after you! The Mafia Leader she works for is FIERCE! Monster fools everyone with her goofy appearance but her intimidation tactics are as gentle as a rattlesnake’s kiss!
“MIDGIE” (aka The World’s Tallest Midget) - The Mafia Leader.
Don’t let this cute face and yoga ear fool ya… She’s the brains of the group! You’ll know when you see Midgie because she is always accompanied by her sidekick.
“POPEYEE” The sidekick - 
This little one is all bark and no bite. Midgie keeps her around because she’s got the “stink eye” down really good. She makes Humans hearts melt and fellow furkids shake in their fur coat!
“Moose Lips” The Cavalier Head Hunter - 
Moose Lips has that whole Spaniel thing going for her. Yea, she looks regal but shell hunt you down with that nose howling the whole time. There’s no escaping the sent trail of a Spaniel like this one
“Bug” The Land Manatee Bodyguard - 
Sure, she looks like a water retaining sea cow, but this bodyguard is a force to be reckoned with. Once this top dog catches sight or sound of you, she’s like a wrecking ball! This is EXACTLY why a ring leader like Midgie keeps her around!
We tried reasoning with The Parental Unit, even using cuteness...but after MANY failed attempts, I sent my sidekick Popeyee to do what Popeyee is most notorious for...the Stink Eye!
I had all your petitions (posts & Photos)...all i had to do was get The Parental Unit to READ them...when Popeyee's Stinkeye dindt work, i decided i needed to double up on my defense and send in some backup...

The Parental Unit did not budge...I knew we were on our own. So i sent my Mafia on a hunt! Each one had specific tasks. WE WERE GOING TO FIND OUR STUFFIES!
Monster looked in the Food bin
but had no luck so i had Bug keep a watchful eye on the foodables area 
while i sent Monster out with my driver in the Fido-Rido to scope out the neighborhood and see if anyone heard or saw anything. Monster learned that there was a sixth dog in the house that we did not know of. and that there was only one place in the whole house where this sixth dog could be found or seen...and you have to stand in front of the closet doors to see this dog...
"OH! YOU THERE! Who are you!? Why do you look exactly like me!?" 
Popeyee looked in bags while Monster tried to persuade the sixth dog in the closet door
When that landed us no results i went out side to the new place of "hurry hurry" to see if i could catch the sent of our stuffies if i stood down breeze
And then i smelled it what i think it is!? is it!? Is it the slight whiff of a stuffie with a squeekie inside!? So i had Monster and Bug stay watch out side while i investigated the smell of something familiar...
"Yea Midgie...I smell it too!"
It is! it IS our stuffies!
Its not all of them...but this small pile is a few of our favorites! Bug inspected them to make sure no harm had come their way
OH THE HORROR! They have been in the WASH! they are CLEAN! But thanks to Bug she helped my sisters and i get them nice and drooly!
We must take this stand together! they are OUR stuffies and squeekies! hey are not to be wahsed or discarded unless it is by US! So chew them, leave teeth marks in them, de-stuff them, shred them, drag then through the mud, pool, pond, lakeor anywhere else yoru parental unit does not want them. they are OUR Stuffies and Squeekies and we are free to do with them what WE please! We MUST teach our Parental Units their place in life...It is OUR world and they just live in it!
Viva La Resistance!
The Chi Mafia, Mosse Lips, & Bug
P.S. Stay tuned for the sequal...where are they now...