Viva La Resistance!
The Chihuahua Mafia & The Cavalier Head Hunter
P.S. here is a list of those of you who i know are participating. if i have missed your name or know of a furend whos name should be on this list, please let me know with a link to the "occupy Your Toys" Post and i will be sure to add you &/or your furend. You have until Thursday 2/23 to get me your entries! Help us prove a point to our mommy (and yours) that it is NOT acceptable by ANY means to deprive us of our pride possessions...OUR TOYS!!!
Lucy, Betty,Elvis, & Jake, & Jake,Elvis, & Jake,Lucy Betty Elvis
Shiloh'n Shasta
Dachsies With Moxie
Da Weenies of Florida – Amber
Cinnamon – loves her stuffies to death Tessa The Maltese
Mr. Pip
Lola & Tucker
Where oh where did all da toys go??? Mee is getting really worried. In fact, me thinks a few of mine are missin' too! EEEEEKK!
Since you can't find your toys, I say you guys should steal the hooman's toys and occupy them instead!
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
Coco I am with and have joined forces. I begin today with my first post with just my stuffies. I will return soon with my squeakies.
Loveys Sasha
p.s. Can I take potty breaks??
I'll be posting on Thursday!
Dachshund Nola
Dear friends,
Sorry for not dropping in awhile :) I've been busy working (helping mom) thus kind of forgot to update my blog. Glad to know all of you still a happy-go-lucky pups!
I might not be able to post as often as before so please head over to my newest post and leave a comment so I could add you on mom's new site. With this we could still keep in contact and it'll easier for me to drop by often to your page :)
Autumn & Jasmine
Psst: My post is up today.
Your pal, Pip
Mayor Frankie and his sidekick Ernie have theirs up now .....
You can add ME to the list!!! I'm with you!!!
PeeS... you may not be aware of it, butt we have to type two Words for Varification. Not everyone Knows that the feature is turned on.
You have some good help. Hope you win.
Um, we just noticed you have word verfication. If you would like to turn it off so blogers can leave comments without giving up and leaving, we posted directions on where Blogger hid the off button in Monday's post. We will try to leave this message but don't know if it will go through. :(
Nope, it failed. We will try a few more times, then give up.
Pip just told us about your Occupy Toy Plan. So near and dear to our hearts. We will post about it tomorrow and get on board with you!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Coco, you are always in our prayer, keep safe and I'm sure you will enjoy your new hometown :)
Dog Shock Collar
Too cute :) kisses from adri and mickey
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