Last night i gave my little Lady Godiva her first pill of Phenobarbital.
it made her sleepy but after a nap, she woke up and actually started to show interest in her favorite little stuffie!
She carried it around in her mouth very cautiously and brought it into her crate for a moment and then when she came out of her crate with it in her mouth she gave it a little shake!
our little peanut was trying to play!

She is able to open her left eye, and is acting very happy and wagging her tail. her appetite is good and while she acts like she is rediscovering how to do things and what things are, she is still potty trained (thank dog for that!)
Coco Bean desperately needed some "mommy & me" time last night. Coco Bean brought me some of her stuffies and played and rolled around and acted goofy. These last few days have taken a lot out of Coco Bean. She has been doing the bad peepee on the carpet, throwing up white stomach foam, decreased appetite, and spending all her time right by Godivas side. Last night was the first time since Friday that Coco Bean actually ate her doggy dinner and played. And while she kept an eye on Godiva she wasn't glued to Godiva's side like she has been.
Truffle on the other hand is still acting oddly. Shes eating (never had a problem with that), but she is being very distant. i have checked to make sure she doesn't have a fever, her poop is good, etc. she just refuses to interact with Godiva like she used to. They used to be inseparable...and not i literally have to PLACE Truffle next to Godiva and tell her "STAY" just to take a picture and as soon as the photo is done, Truffie moves a good 1-2 feet away and just stares at Godiva like Godiva is about to sprout wings and a horn out of her forehead and fly around the room.
all in all, The vet does not know how Godiva survived through Friday night having seizures every 20-30 minutes for 12 hours straight...The vet told me that i must be Godiva's angel and my father told me that i am his hero because i took Godiva in knowing very well that she had medical problems.
Truth be told, I am far from a hero, and i am not an angel either. Its the Houston Pittie Pack Fearless Five Angels, and all of you coming together with your prayers and Power of the Paw that my little peanut made it through this weekend.
With the exception of some minor motor skills that Godiva has not regained, if you didnt know what her weekend had entailed, you would not know anything had happened to her. Its your prayers and Power of the Paw that pulled her through. And for that, i cannot thank you enough.
Lady Godiva is still very attached to me and still wants to be held all the time - but i can totally live with that!
Hugs, Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
The Mommy