Hello Fellow Bloggers! My name is Truffle and i am the larger of Coco The Princess's two little sisters! In case you might not be able to tell me apart from my litter mate Godiva this is what i look like:

See, i look like a brown and gold (muted) version of my big sister Coco The Princess

Don't we look alike!? How cool is that!?
So anyway... Coco has been teaching me a LOT. But, she said that before she teaches me anything else like her magic tricks that make treats appear out of mommy's hand; that i have to learn potty training first. Whats the big deal with all this potty training anyway? At first i was like...when you gotta go, you gotta go! But then she taught me that when i go poobles or weebles on the magic white pad in the kitchen...low and behold "potty cookies"magically appear in my mommy's hand! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?!?
So, anyway...on Sunday, i disappeared...well, not really disappeared; it was more like all of a sudden mommy and daddy didn't see me. so they stopped and listened for a bell and they heard it coming from the kitchen. So mommy & daddy snuck to the kitchen door all stealth mode and all and spyed on me
(please excuse the pink and purple streamers left over from mommy's birthday party)..and do you know what they saw? they saw me poobling on the magic pad in the kitchen! Yep, that's right; i went potty on the magic pad all by my self! And guess what happened next...are you ready for this...A COOKIE magically appeared in my mommy's hand!
Now, about this bell thing. Which one of you geniuses came up with this brilliant idea!? Its cool and all that mom wanted to help out Lady Godiva so she wouldn't get scared; but bells...around my neck...are you kidding me Mom!? I'm a Chihuahua! Not a cow!
Oh, and speaking of random animals like cows...My dear little sister Lady Godiva has an interesting little nickname...are you ready for this? They keep calling her "little hippo"! I think its absolutely hilarious! I mean come on...does anyone else see the resemblance?

SEE! she looks like a little hippo! but don't tell her I told you. I think she might get sad so lets keep this between you and me...k?
Anyway, more about me...I am a VERY vocal little puppy who has no problems snarling and barking at Coco until she plays with me. Lately i my favorite game to play with coco is a game of of chase! Of course i have to bark & grumble uncontrollably while i chase her. Mom isn't too thrilled about this barking though so every time i start barking she tells me "NO" and i have to take a time out for 10 seconds which feels like FOREVER! I also have this other game that i play where i take all the chew things away from Coco The Princess and from Godiva and i sit on top of them and when Coco tries to take one from me i bark at her...then i chase her and while I'm chasing her Godiva takes one if the chew things and runs back into the bed and then she and Coco will share it.
That's all i can think of for now, but if you want to know anything else about me or what my life is like being the little sister of a Princess, than feel free to leave your questions and comments in the comments section and i will answer all of your request next week on TRUFFLE TUESDAY!
Tail Wiggles & Truffle Kisses
P.S. This Friday will be my little sister Lady Godiva's game! It is called "Godiva's Go Diva Friday's". It will be held EVERY Friday! Please be sure to participate. Each winner will be featured on the following Fridays blog!
Here is what is required:
You will need to put this badge on your blog. You can do that by saving this picture or you can email my big sister Coco The Princess and she will forward you the html code.
Once you post your picture of you being a DIVA leave Godiva a message so that she can check it out! The winning photo will be posted on her blog the following Friday! Godiva is hoping that Eduardo will be her and be an official judge.
Make sure you Diva it up!