Sadly, Truffle was not as excited about her new pajamas as mommy was...But she just looked too darn cute not to share this. For those of you who have asked, mommy purchased her Pajamas at Target for $7.99
And here is a photo of me wearing my mommy's favorite hat:And here is a photo of Lady Godiva all cuddled up. And before you ask, yes she throws this look around ALL THE TIME! and the worst part is that EVERYONE falls for it! Mommy is always telling her "Stop being so cute; Its distracting"
If you have not already heard, we are hosting a contest! Don't forget to check it our and submit a photo (or two). our peemail address can be found on our profile :)
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
Veggie Feastings and Happy Hearts
12 years ago
OMD I just LOVE those pj's! Where did your Mommy buy them at? Mom is looking for pj's that really cover my legs and bum too!
I thinks you looks Pawsome!!!!
woos, Tessa
Awwww, she looks so cuuuuute!!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
You all look too adowabull fow wowds..I think those jammies awe vewy becoming, I hope she gets to like tham..all of you look so nice and wawm and cozy
I don't think any hooman could wesist Lady Godiva's look, hehehe
smoochie kisses
I love the pj's too, Mom will have to check out Target, I don't hae a lot of hair so Mom is always on the look out for pj's that cover me.
Aww you are just so cute! And tiny! I though I was little! Adorable pjs! I'd love to hear from you!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
Thanks for stopping by!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
Those pj's are soooo cute! We thought we left a message here, but it must have vaporized. Darn blogspot!
BRD & HOotie
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